Shanaya Kapoor is the daughter of the popular Bollywood actor, Sanjay Kapoor. Shanaya is well known for her strong social media presence and has a huge fan following out there. She is well-regarded by her fans for serving some brilliant fashion goals on social media and other platforms. She has always been on top of her style game and makes sure to inspire her fans in every way. Shanaya first set foot in Bollywood by being an assistant director in Jahnvi Kapoor's film, Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl. The film was a big commercial success and people loved the storyline and the authenticity of it.
Shanaya always had the inclination toward acting and she always mentions that she gets it from her father, Sanjay Kapoor. Before beginning an acting career, Shanaya has been attending acting seminars, dance classes, and other required activities. The star kid always is grateful for hailing from a family of actors in Bollywood, especially when it comes to her cousins, Sonam Kapoor, Arjun Kapoor, Janhavi Kapoor, and Harshvardhan Kapoor.
Shanaya is also well-known as a model and has walked the ramp for several fashion designers in the industry. She has been very successful as a model and she is very popular amongst her fans for inspiring them with fashion goals. She will soon be seen making her Bollywood debut under the big banner of Dharma production and the guidance of well-known director-producer, Karan Johar. We are super excited for her and we can't wait to see what Shanaya has in store for all her fans and loved ones.
1. Vrushabha
2. Bedhadak
3. Screw Dheela