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Member Since:Jun 20, 2007
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For portability and performance
Reviewed Samsung NP RV411
When I started looking for a new laptop, I considered following point Portability Usability Budget Feature. As you can see portability was my first conceRead more...
Value for money P&S camera
Reviewed Olympus Mju 7030
When you buy a camera, first thing that you consider is your budget and  then the purpose. When the budget is fixed you start looking for  features (some may Read more...
Simply the Great
Reviewed Olympus E-620
Olympus is one of the unsung heroes in most of the markets in the world  because of their marketing strategy or what ever the reason is. A sort history beforRead more...
Good for amature professionals
Reviewed Sony DSC-H2
I am using this camera for last 1 year. Its good enough for a beginer professional hobbyist. It has limited but usefull manual settings. Manual shutter speedRead more...
Free Biking, I'm riding it...(Update after 8500KM
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 200
I bought my first bike on May 16th 2007 and its a Pulsar 200DTSi. Already completed 1800KM within 30 days. UPDATE V1.0: Now it clocks little over 2400KM. UPRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on mehul123's review
Copied from mobile-review.com. better you can give the link of the mobile-review page. here it is: www.mobile-review.com/review/nokia-6300-en.shtml
Commented on own review
@meena_suresh: Thanks for your comments. First of all dont believe in rumors. I am using it and the electronic goodies working as fine as the rest of the bike, though its true that its too early to say anything concrete. Comming to Oil cooling, its not first time in the world, Suzuki already h Read More...
@peethambaran: Thanks for your comment. The fact is Pulsar 200’s Kerb weight(weight including all standard equipments and with all liquid/fluid/fuel loaded) is 145Kg. @Aspenhyt: Thanks for hating pulsar 200. Some news for the readers 1. Chinese digital goodies: Maximum electronics products Read More...
Rated on roger.k's review
Commented on roger.k's review
This is not a review about the bike. Its more like random thoughts of a person who hates bajaj or pulsar for no reason.
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