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Member Since:Feb 03, 2017
300 MS Points
I am graphic designer professionally. I have 5 years plus expenses.
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Wrost Model
Reviewed Ford Escort
I fell completley ripped off cause this car with little mileage. From stopping the car is horrible at accelerating. There are nain fault in transmission. InsRead more...
Good Product
Reviewed Good Knight Advanced Fast Card
Good knight fast card is very good product, it gives our family relief from mosquitoes immediately. It is a revolutionary mosquito repellant. It burn quick i.Read more...
Imperfect quality model
Reviewed Lenovo G50-80 Notebook
The model Lenovo G50-80 Notebook, this series started from approx 25000/-, although at this price point they are equiped hardware from AMD. The competion in tRead more...
First verified then purchase
Reviewed Samsung SCX 4321 Multifunction Printer
The scanner will loose its ability to reset a starting point when the power is turn on or off, resulting in Scanner error or locked. Printing is also diRead more...
Worst Laptop it is waste of money
Reviewed Dell Inspiron 15 3542 Laptop
Dont dare to buying this model laptop it will make your life hell. Cheap quality product, have a technical problem which is fix ever. Intel i5 core procRead more...
Nam Bade aur Darshan Chhote
Reviewed Royal Enfield Bullet 350
This bike has some technical fault in vibration, Engine noise, and alignment issue. My friend share to me some experience severer vibration while ridding arouRead more...
Wrong Advertisement
Reviewed Britannia Whole Bread
Britannia Bread is totally unhealthy bread. It contains lots of sugar and color. It has excess preservative. It is made from Maida. Company mix color for likiRead more...
Bad story
Reviewed Raees
We all know that, Alchohol is banned in Gujrat. Shahrukh as Raees in this movie make illiegal way for alcoholic bussiness. This story is not good for our sociRead more...
Expensive & Chemical test
Reviewed Cadbury Dairy Milk Silk
Today I bought 110g bar of dairy Milk silk, it is very costly & its taste was bad like chemical. I eat only one square and rest in dust bin. It tasted so bad Read more...
Amiro ki Sawari
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar SS 400
This model of bajaj full of liking goes to richest people. Its has top most rate of Indian bike industry. This bike is only for rich person not for anyone. WhRead more...
Feel Better! Watching this fantastic comedy drama
Reviewed Jolly LLB 2
Jolly LLB 2 is fantastic court-room drama series Jolly LLB which had Arshad Warsi playing the lead. The film is directed by Subhash Kapoor and this time it haRead more...
Chipest Android phone.
Reviewed Micromax Canvas Juice A177
Micromax  A177 canvase Juice is the chipest among other model of any branded company. Its battery bake up is amazing. I am using this device for 3 yrs. I purcRead more...
Best Official & family bike.
Reviewed Honda Shine 125
Honda CB Shine 125 is a bike which in budget of common man. It is soundless bike. Its dimand is highest among 125 cc category bike. Nice millage & performanceRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed crediblezafar
Followed Harsh1994 , rishabjolly
Followed pandeypriti
Followed mustafawelcome48
Commented on saurabhrmalviya777's review
Very nice bike for incarage honor in yougaster.
Commented on own review
Please Like it becoz it is reality
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