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Member Since:Aug 26, 2008
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Substance Matters
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
I have been searching for a good 150cc bike for quite some time.( I am using HH splendor for the past 9 Years) I have ridden almost all the two wheelers launcRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
Dear Devijay, The remote kit may cost you around Rs.1500/-. Battery upgrade is not required. Using remote start/stop is equal to starting and stoping from the bike's control. In terms of feasibility it is not that useful. Because you have lock/unlock the bike only with key, not from the remote. Read More...
You may not be 100% correct regarding Split Handle Bar and digital meter. Split Handle bars may aid or refrain good handling depends on the purpose whether you ride in city or highway. Digital Meters are more accurate than analog meters (if they are calibrated at regular interval). LED tail lamp may Read More...
Commented on visakh8's review
If you are planning for a petrol version go for VXi. (I am having a swift VXi) The differences between models are as follows: 1. LXi - Base model AC and power steering. No Tachometer 2. VXi - Middle version - features of LXi + power windows ( all 4 windows)+central locking ( you have to add remo Read More...
Rated on twincam's review
It costs around Rs.1500/- (approx). One thing I forgot to mention in the review. If you engage the remote lock, the engine cannot be started even with its original key. You have to unlock to start the engine. But as I mentioned earlier, if you engage the lock, even a twist in handle bar creates a da Read More...
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