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Member Since:Jan 10, 2017
1170 MS Points
Straight forward. Interest in sports
About Me
Education: B.com
Food and Drinks: Chinese food , mocktail drinksBooks: RomanticMovie Stars: Aamir khanMovies: ComedianT.V. Shows: Big boss Music: All Quotes: M live in reality not in dreams
Food and Drinks: Chinese food , mocktail drinks
Books: Romantic
Movie Stars: Aamir khan
Movies: Comedian
T.V. Shows: Big boss
Music: All
Quotes: M live in reality not in dreams
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Padman review
Reviewed Pad Man
The movie is just amazing. The message behind this movie is impeccable. It will surely change the mindset of our society which will help in the betterment of Read more...
Panjab University
Reviewed Panjab University - Chandigarh (PU)
Panjab University is heaven for all the studentsIt becomes second home for the studentsFriendly environment with lots of facilities which helps the students tRead more...
Tip on touch screen phone
Reviewed Tips on Touch Screen Mobile Phones
Hlo guys in this time we all uses touch screen phone even we cant think about keypad phone for purchasing.so when we will buy then you must have to check manyRead more...
Beware from online fraud
Reviewed General Tips on Online Frauds
Hlo frnds we all use internet in this time now erveytging is on online means we can purchase , sail whtever you want to do then you can do it online no need tRead more...
Tip on homeopathy
Reviewed Tips on Homeopathy
Hi everyone now I am giving you tip on homeopathy, homeopatgy medicine is best than other .when you will go for treatment then you must have to prefer homeopaRead more...
Buying mobile phone
Reviewed Tips on Buying Mobile Phone
Today mobile is need for all people.all want smart phone now I will give you some tips on buying mobile phone when you will buy then firstly remind in your miRead more...
Moblie accessories
Reviewed Tips on Mobile Accessories
We all are addicated of moblie thhat time so we all need of accessories of moblie there are many accessrioes of moblie like earphone, headphone, charger, poweRead more...
Tips on buying a soft drink
Reviewed Tips on Buying a Soft Drink
Soft drink , in india eveyone like it even love it because in india every one want relief in summer seasn then escape from it they drink it.when you will buy Read more...
Travelling to relogious place
Reviewed Tips on Travelling to Religious Places
We all know india is religious country everyone is here wanna go to any relogious place. may god give to all chance for going to religious place. I will give Read more...
Tips on buying earphns
Reviewed Tips for Buying Earphones
Today we all know eaaraphone is very essenial part of life we can live without it evn we dont pick our phn without earphone so we all buy this.i will give youRead more...
Nt good but nt bad college
Reviewed Bhai Maha Singh College of Engineering - Mukatsar
Hey frnds,nw going to review on bhai maha dongh college its not good but not bad college because firstly its very small stufents are many.and faculity is alsoRead more...
Maintainning good friendship based on trust
Reviewed Tips on Maintaining Good Friendship
Hey frnds nw m gona give you one tip on maintaining good friendship if you wanna this then you firstly have to trust on each other its First for maintaing friRead more...
My favourite five most handsome actor
Reviewed Five Most Handsome Actors of Bollywood
Although we all know there are many handsome actor in bollywood but most five handsome my favourite actors are 1) ranbeer kapoor he is very handsome and his aRead more...
Good idea for buying 2nd hand motorcycle
Reviewed Tips on Buying Second Hand Motorcyles
I must say to all middle class person they all want to buy motorcycle but for money they cant buy it .obvious new motorcycle will expensive .so every person hRead more...
Earning from internet
Reviewed Tips on Earning Through Internet
In this time we all use internet even we can say we cant live without internet.we are addicated of this, we all wasting time on it .you know we can earn moneyRead more...
Not good but not bad
Reviewed Tips on MouthShut M2M Service
I used this app from last 4 months.we have to do simply one thing only write review after writing review we have to share it pn facbook or twitter.if your revRead more...
Easy earning from online
Reviewed How to Write and Earn Online
We all know today we all use internet we cant imagine our life without internet.here with internet we can do anything we can play games main thing we can earnRead more...
Girls without parlor that's joking
Reviewed Tips on Beauty Parlors
We all know today all girls want to be look beautiful.for look all girls going to parlor, beautician can change girl look with their product like cream, foundRead more...
Aware from internet chatting
Reviewed General Thoughts on Internet Chatting
We all know, today all we use internet here are many site there we can chat with people even unknown people so its very risky to chat with peoples.site like fRead more...
Delicious indian food
Reviewed Tips on Indian Food
I love indian food because its very healthy than other food like chinese, italian etc.whenever we go to other place or other country we always find indian resRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed kgmv
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Jo mrzi samjh lo ap jo apka dil kre ????
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Pushpanjali Banerji (@AstroJudgeMouthShut Verified Member)
aayanshsharma795 (@aayanshsharma795MouthShut Verified Member)
Ishant Rajput (@ishantrazz85MouthShut Verified Member)
Anas Shaikh (@anass4581MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 8
Mano Karan (@tmanokarMouthShut Verified Member)