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Member Since:Sep 24, 2009
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Too good but too much noisy as well
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Zen Estilo
I test drove the car yesterday. The styling is really good with this new Zen Estilo. Nice exteriors and interiors. Gear shifting is smooth with the new transmRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
The noise was present even after switching off the AC.
I took the Test drive from another dealer and had more or less similar experience. The engine definitely makes noise, which is more than acceptable for a petrol car. So now, I have now discarded estilo as an option for my new car. I feel WagonR is still a good car, it is a tried and tested car, thou Read More...
I want to go with Maruti and not Hyundai and also I didn't like the looks of i10 (personal view). I am going to take a test drive from another dealer soon and will take a decision then.
A petrol car offcourse. Zen estilo doesn't come with a diesel engine.
Commented on anil0842178's review
I test drove the car yesterday and found the engine and the AC were too noisy. In fact it was unbearable and worse than a diesel indica. Dealer told its got a major accident recently and ppl driving rashly on demo car. I am not sure how much to trust on his words. I could not get hold of a new car Read More...
Commented on rashmi.dewan's review
Thanks for your comments snj_jn. I plan to get a test drive this weekend and book the car soon :)
Hi snj_jn, people like you should write an un-biased review. Reviews like this from Rashmi add to the confusion to someone like me who is thinking of buying this new zen estilo. I have driven the old zen estilo and found it nice. Though I really didn't like the looks. The new one looked good to me. Read More...
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