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Member Since:May 01, 2017
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Sachin god of cricket
Reviewed Sachin: A Billion Dreams
Sachin : a bellions dream is an indian biography movie which is based on Sachin tendulkar gratest former cricket plyer of India. If u want to know sachin lifeRead more...
Trailor is not good but salman fans happy
Reviewed Tubelight
This eid much awaited movie tubeligt is coming . starer salman khan and sohail khan . chemestry of both brother of very good in trailor . trailor is start froRead more...
Reviewed Life OK
Life ok is entertainment chanal . I never understand this chanal compare to other chanal .entertaining programme to compaire other chanal too much add comes oRead more...
Good novel but bad story
Reviewed Half Girlfriend
Half girlfraind is much awaited movie . starer arjun kapoor and shraddhha kapoor .movie plot is good. this movie is based of novel half girlfriend .novel is gRead more...
Meri pyari bindi a diiferent movie
Reviewed Meri Pyaari Bindu
Meri pyari bindu is directed by akshay. aayushman khurana and pariniti chopra are main charcter of movie. aayushman khuran is novel writer whose lived in mumbRead more...
Sarkar 3 bogas idea
Reviewed Sarkar 3
Sarkar 3 is movie is ramgopal varma series . star cast of movie is too big . its third part of sarkar series . story begins where sarkar 2 ends. amitabh bacchRead more...
Good plot but not a good movie
Reviewed Noor
As we know this is not first time that actress lead main lead role of movire . noor is also this type movie . Its based of a movie that writtne pakistani nobeRead more...
Poor battry work
Reviewed Yu Yuphoria
This mobile fone use my frnd also me. but its battery is not good 2g and 3g network doing work good but when its work 4g network its battery fall down very faRead more...
Consume data
Reviewed Hotstar
Hotstar is the app of online siriols , movie and cricket etc. but hotstar consume data too much this is problem this app and this app use more space ram in moRead more...
Water 7 averqge mobile fone
Reviewed LYF Water 7S
I have lyf water 7 mobile fone it is very normal fone .2gb ram and 16 gb internal storage not enough space it. I think this fone need more improvement . Some Read more...
Bahubali 2 ...have a great platform
Reviewed Baahubali 2: The Conclusion
Bahubali 2 is much awaited movie in India just because why kattappa killed bahubali . Ans ans is bahubali 2 .i dont tell this how and why killed kattaappa to Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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