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Tamil Nadu
Member Since:Nov 18, 2015
934 MS Points
About Me
Education: B.Sc
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Extra time to joy of eating
Reviewed Kwality Wall's Magnum
I have tried both flavors Nuts and the Coco. And both of them taste is top. It is a premium product from kwality. it is prepared with thick belgian chocolaRead more...
Wonderful taste and quality, there is no doubt
Reviewed Amul Dollies
Hi every body, Amul means taste, quality, hygienic others can not met this. Amul dollies are my favorite ice cream. It comes different flavors like RoseberRead more...
Best soap in the present age
Reviewed Dettol Soap
I have using dettol soap for the past ten years, it take care my skin, I have not affected any skin problem till to date. Because it protect our body from alRead more...
Buy good phone with the cheap rate
Reviewed Lenovo A7000
I have purchased Onyx Black Lenovo A7000 phone two months ago with the following configuration Display size is 5.5 inches and it has 720 x 1280 pixels and alRead more...
Nighttime the blue sky looks glorious
Reviewed Rakcham Chitkul Wildlife Sanctuary - Kinnaur
Me and friends visited this shelter last year, it was a remarkable experience for us. When we reach there, we were surprised by its beauty, coolness and attraRead more...
I don't prophesy for my part buying
Reviewed Lays Potato Chips
I bought new Lays Chip namely Potato and Macho Chilly to check out the new taste. The protective material of the chips is really stylish and colorful. The cRead more...
Trust worthy card
Reviewed Tata Card
Tatacard comes with two types like Platinum Card  and Classic Card, Platinum card has following features Worldwide Acceptance, Credit Facility,  Enhaced PowRead more...
Satisfied look from reebok
Reviewed Reebok Footwear
Six months before I am purchase white color with grey stripes reebok shoe worth Rs. 2500/-. After trying some brands shoes. I found satisfied look from reebokRead more...
Simplified way to pay our bills
Reviewed Paytm
I wish to share my opinion about paytm, I am using paytm to pay post paid mobile bills and data card bill for the past ten months. Initially, I have not ideaRead more...
Better AV
Reviewed Kaspersky Antivirus
I have conduct tests five times within three four months to scan my laptop using Kaspersky antivirus. Kaspersky detected the majority of the malware in my laRead more...
Green teeth with herbal toothpaste
Reviewed Colgate Herbal Toothpaste
Hi guys I want to share my experience with you, I am fan of colgate tooth paste from my childhood because Colgate products are always  good quality and afforRead more...
Active cold and cough relief rub
Reviewed Vicks Vaporub
Vicks vaporub is an menthol topical oinmnet, it is also an ayurvedic product, there is no side effect. it is best for cold and cough, it is used on kids and Read more...
Best back pain killer
Reviewed Moov Spray
I am doing system oriented work, I have spent ten and more hours to using system per day, in the earliest days I have not got any back pain, but now a days goRead more...
Best payment gateway in india
Reviewed PayU
I would like to share my experience about pay u money payment gateway. I have designed and developed few web sites using payment module. I need payment gateRead more...
Pril everygreen dishwash detergent
Reviewed Pril Liquid Detergent
In my home, my mother using local brand dish wash liquid detergents, it causes many more issues like allergic to hand, hard Rube to wash dishes it is painful.Read more...
My experience of Adode Reader
Reviewed Adobe Reader
I am doing job typing work for the past ten plus years, I have typing lot of confidential documents to my clients. they wants me, non editable format of thatRead more...
Worst customer service
Reviewed MTS MBlaze
I would like to get wifi internet connection, so I got some quotation from various networks and try their demo also. I have attracted MTS, at that time it wRead more...
Don't waste your money and valuable time
Reviewed MTS Mobile Operator
I got 3g+ data card with plan 999 for one year back, initially they give 40GB data usage, now reduced to 30GB, they cheating customers. From the first day I gRead more...
Genuine mobile operator in india
Reviewed Tata Docomo Mobile Operator
I am living in madurai, I have got one post paid connection before three more years ago, still I use it. billing is genuine, but few stores in madurai to makeRead more...
A Very Nice Long Life Laptop (Idea Pad)
Reviewed Lenovo Laptop G560
After came back from delhi, I desired to learn and develop web application, so I need one laptop, I search many shops and many products in my city and also asRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Sathish Sk (@sathishk1992MouthShut Verified Member)
Akshay Gundecha (@akshaypgundechaMouthShut Verified Member)
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anoop578 (@anoop578MouthShut Verified Member)
Surya Pandian (@suryapandianMouthShut Verified Member)
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Nirant Dekate (@noddy989MouthShut Verified Member)
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