Member Since:Dec 15, 2011
0 MS Points
I like and value people who believe in honesty, sincerity, and are generally, caring, towards the others, with compassion, kindness, and respect, towards the others. Mutual-trust is very important in relationships!!! - It is trust, that leads to faith, with such foundations, the relationships, are due to last, a long, long, time, with a lot of happiness too!!! - FRIENDSHIPS TOO!!!
*** Best Wishes ***
***** Kindness in words, creates confidence, kindness in thinking, creates profoundness, kindness in feeling, creates, - L-O-V-E, (LOVE!!).
- For, love is God, - God is love!!!! *****
Will let you know in due course, at the time of mutual meeting and interests.- Honesty is usually the best policy, in the long run, it pays!!!