Category Expert
Celebrity Writer
Star Writer
what do I....for a living?....I breathe!

I am basically an introvert. (My friends somehow dont agree!)
I dont know if it is because I like being alone or its because they like leaving me alone!

I have been in a technical field so far... but not anymore since I am retired at 28! (Took VRS)
Will soon have to get out there hunting, fishing, romancing, fighting? ....for work!
But till then, I’d just enjoy retired life!
I like to think that I am very passionate about life, love humour...and also believe I’m gifted with it too. Propotionately...exc....for the humor ;-)

Ambition in l....for ever. Its possible. creative writing, browsing, dreaming while zzzzzzzzzing or not!
reading, music-I’ve been learning how to play the keyboard from the 9th standard!Not very brite eh! ....for some more dreaming...

I would love to get into the field of advertising-specifically copywriting.
I am sure my addition would cause a difference! (Math was never very popular with me!)