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Member Since:Mar 21, 2012
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Not A Good Product
Reviewed American Express Credit Card
I have been using a AMEX Gold credit card for the last 4-5 months. I have an alternate Citibank card to use at outlets where they dont accept AMEX. So IRead more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Commented on anshu_tulip's review
is this review still relevant considering the problems this company is facing?
Commented on nagaraj127's review
Dude please improve your English, or post your review on such website which accept reviews in languages other than English.
Followed uralone
Rated on abhisheksingh7789's review
Commented on rohitshukre98727's review
I have been using a TB since more than 4 years. My suggestion is that you dont need any teflon or anti rust coating on the parts of the bike which come in the original package. If there is any part of the bike which you got replaced (even if it is bought at a authorized service center) like silencer Read More...
Commented on thunderbirdtbts's review
I have been using my Thunderbird for 4 years now. Crossed 4 years this Oct. I had some initial problems but once things were sorted out I am facing no issues whatsoever. I have to mention one thing though. You cannot trust even authorized service centers wallahs. I bought my bike in Gurgaon. Was the Read More...
Commented on Neel13's review
Typo above.. I didnt know how to ride a bike when I bought it.
Hi, I think you have already purchased this bike by now. Just wanted to mention that my height is 5.8 and weight is 78kg. Moreover I know how to ride a bike when I bought this one. It took me less than 3 weeks to get accustomed with it. I think height and weight doesnt matter so long as your feet Read More...
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