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uttar pradesh
Member Since:Jan 12, 2016
484 MS Points
I m student..
About Me
Education: M.A IN ENGLISH
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Onida 43 Plasma Television EPT 4200 BP
Reviewed Onida 43 Plasma Television EPT 4200 BP
I am bought this product near about 9 months ago after this I am found this video and audio qaulity is very clear . but after some times its picture tube is aRead more...
Good website to prepration
Reviewed Testbook
Testbook.com website for prepration for goverment job and various examination like ssc, bank, cat, mat etc. If you completed the coaching then go to the websiRead more...
Not so good
Reviewed Mi Max 2 32GB
Mi max to is mideam level mobile if we compare to all specification . some qaulities is good and different but some is so bad . first of all to want tell you Read more...
Good app
Reviewed JioTV
Jio is cheapest network in india . There is win indians heart to provide lot of services. Jio tv isvaluable for watching for tv program . Its so good foRead more...
So good and credible website
Reviewed Flipkart
Hey I am go to tell you about flipkart shopping website that how much credible for you so keep reading continue . this website is most credible for shopping Read more...
Nyc Moore market
Reviewed Moore Market - Chennai
I am going to tell you about to Moore market . First all of you must know its soul of market in Chennai . Because when I visit first time this market I Read more...
Compare to price this is a bad product
Reviewed Vivo Y53
Hi friend today I am going to share review with you very clearly about the vivo y53 phone I am using near about three month I anaylise that its not a good prRead more...
Good work ..
Reviewed JioFi M2 Wireless Router Data Card
Jiofi m2 wireless router is a good product for domestic use Its internet speed near about 500 kb/s but some time speed is very slow And connection relibilitRead more...
Oppo a37f is work great
Reviewed Oppo A37f
Oppo a 37f work is great compare to other mobile in this rateI am going to about sound reception or quality is best but if we use to with air phone then it isRead more...
Poor product
Reviewed iBall Andi 4.5 Ripple 2G
Iball andi 4.5 riplle 2g is a totally poor product I baught this product and till some days working good after four month here also be create a problom like aRead more...
Fake product
Reviewed Bookmyoffer
My book offer.com is a very bad site for online shoping and I am requested to all my online shopper people do not book any product in this type of website . IRead more...
Reviewed Hero Honda Splendor Plus
Its bikes part is a strong and healthy not a bad qaulity and u can say villagersoul bicUse its is a very comfortable and cridible bike compare to Read more...
Superb movies
Reviewed Apple iPhone 5c
Airlift movie is a patriotic movie its a makes the dhoom in a present time in any theater. And Akshay kumar is a back in a airlift that is is a gave super acRead more...
Reviewed iBall Slide
Iball tablet is a good. And I am use one years back this brand and I have good experience after using this product and its gave the so clearly in the video pRead more...
Bad network
Reviewed Telenor Mobile Operator
Uninor network is a so bad specially in rural areas and its is a not better operators but its is a cheapest network if network is a work so that its not likesRead more...
Reviewed Tata Docomo Mobile Operator
Tata docomo mobile opraters is a keeps the so cheapest plans in others but mainly problems is a its network is not fount the the rural area. And its availablRead more...
Reviewed Aircel Mobile Operator
I am using this network long time and am also used the any others network and I have got the  ery cheap in others network and face the strong network in 2g reRead more...
Reviewed Snapdeal
Snapdeal.com is a good market for home sholing in anywhere nd anytime today its extended the all word and gave the truth feel for the morket and compare to anRead more...
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
Airtel operator is a strongest operator in the indian history today its gave the full strong network in the others operator but its so costly in others nd notRead more...
Reviewed Idea Mobile Operator
Idea mobile operater is a not a bad nor a good its cn we say that good also .because if ur using the long time then u feel that its cheats with u . Its tarriRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on deepanshityagi48's review
Followed pandeysuneeta20
Rated on VIKRAMSAHAY's review
Commented on Harshdec's review
Very usefull review but not found all thing right
Commented on Manish8927's review
This review is a very usefull for all custumer
Rated on Manish8927's review
Followed maliktahir96 , shabaab55
Commented on HelpOthers71's review
Really very comfortable product for our people
Commented on rajsnp38's review
This is a usefull product and review
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