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Tamil nadu
Member Since:Nov 10, 2008
0 MS Points
I am a Business Analyst working in a IT company in chennai. To describe myself, I am very simple and will TAkE LiFE aS iT CoMEZ........... Interested in friends, hangouts.
About Me
Food and Drinks: All non-veg itemsBooks: Nothing in specific Movie Stars: Rajinikanth, Soorya, Hrithik Roshan, Daniel Craig....Movies: All movies of above movie stars.Quotes: The LEGEND rides on - Royal Enfield
Food and Drinks: All non-veg items
Books: Nothing in specific
Movie Stars: Rajinikanth, Soorya, Hrithik Roshan, Daniel Craig....
Movies: All movies of above movie stars.
Quotes: The LEGEND rides on - Royal Enfield
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A Mix of design and herigtage with technology
Reviewed Royal Enfield Thunderbird Twinspark
I feel happy to write a review about my beast. A few sentences about me, I am identified as Business Analyst in a IT company in chennai. Generally you may haRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
Southern Motors, Mount Road branch. Cost differs, you might enquire it there...!!
Hi All, There is a special type of silencer available for tbts alone, which you can get with the dealers (in chennai)...which readily goes into the bike...without any alteration or modding......there is no special name for the silencer but it will look a bit bigger than the short silencer both in le Read More...
Hi Rexdomi, 2 reasons......1st is for the great thumping sound and second is to reduce the original long silencer coming out of the bike..........which looks odd according to me..nothing other than this.........I didnt any marginal difference in the performance of the bike nor any decrease in the mi Read More...
Hi Nakulgrv, The silencer was modded in the RE showroom only.........works superb with a real bullet sound..and there is no void for gaurantee and claims.Thanks.
Commented on jeanshack's review
Good review dude. Its more realistic experience that you have got....................Keep updating regularly
Rated on jeanshack's review
Commented on surajmandur1's review
Hi, I agree you face serious problems with the authorised service centre in b'lore. But this is not the case in all the states. I definitely agree there are minor problems in royal Enfield but this pertains in all bikes but in different forms irrespective of the brand. I will tell you a solution, In Read More...
Definitely yes.....I have the original silencer fitted for TBTS. Yet I haven't changed it waiting to complete its running-in.
Rated on nitendra1's review
Commented on nitendra1's review
Hi Nitendra, Good Review and thanks for adding my name and its quiet impressing. A suggestion, this engine will definitely lag in thumping sound as its not a cast-iron engine which has got a hard thump. Moreover people feel that u can improve the thumping sound by changing the silencer into a free-f Read More...
Hi Friend, In my previous bike I've changed the rear wheel to 130 (like avenger). but I have not experienced it yet in bullet.....I hope you may get all the informations in royal enfield web site itself, http://royalenfield.com/app/bullet-in-board.aspx, try searching in this you may find the advanta Read More...
Commented on malay_biswal's review
Hi Friend, nice review keep updating. Have you changed the entire silencer from the mouth r else just the free flow silencer.........which they call it as bottle(in madras). Do you get the sound of std.bullet now...?
Hi friend, sorry a spelling mistake.........as u did in your comment......its ’that instead of hat’.......anyways I corrected it.....Thanks...Happy Thumping.
Rated on pinakipc's review
Commented on pinakipc's review
Totally A Good review.......update with more informations after successive services
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