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Member Since:May 26, 2017
280 MS Points
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Reviewed Clean Master
Hello guys out there. Let me come straight to the point that is these kind of applications really do nothing good for your mobile. What is the concept is thatRead more...
Reviewed Micromax A106 Unite 2
I dont wanna tell u what I think about this product but I wanna say about what I experienced. I bought this phone for my cousin. The feel is good but noRead more...
Damn itt :-/
Reviewed Homeshop18
Hello each and every one right out there. I know what I am saying because when my mom ordered pack of suits but u know what they showed something and handed oRead more...
La la laa la
Reviewed Sennheiser CX 213 Headphones
Imagine yourself having a coolest earphones and every one around you getting jealousy for you.! This is the feel of this product guys. Build quality = The cRead more...
##Unfair %%
Reviewed Elle 18 Lip Makeup
Hello everyone, u must be thinking why I am giving this review but I am giving this on the behalf of my sister. It was a casual sunday gift for my sis, but shRead more...
1000 points =1$
Reviewed Cash Pirate
Hello everyone right over there, this is important to make you guys aware that there are some apps available through which you can make money easily and safelRead more...
Not expected..!!
Reviewed Lenovo HW01 Smart Band
This is not acceptable from lenovo.This band do not have any value for money. Features : Though this band have many features inside like heart rate monitoriRead more...
Non judgemental ??
Reviewed Micromax Canvas 2 Q4310 (2017)
This time I would like to review to not to this mobile but to the company. Do you know micromax previously upto last year I used to appriciate your efforts anRead more...
Reviewed Aakash Institute - Jodhpur
Yes you heard me right it is dangerous to take admission in aakash Institute if you want to pursue your career in the medical field. I felt it important to leRead more...
Reviewed Fogg Deodorant
Hey perfunova internatinal limited, it is nice to see that you manufacture this product in INDIA. But, should I call this a manufacturing defect u know what tRead more...
Why jbl??? Why
Reviewed JBL T110 In-Ear Headphones
Jbl one of most trusted brand in india regarding earphone. But what is this no man you can not do like this. The company approves that this ear phone comes wiRead more...
Carcinogenic #@
Reviewed Emami Fair and Handsome Cream
Hello, let me come directly to the point. This product you know I was used to have this when I was in my tenth standard. I bought this through one of my closeRead more...
Indian Item
Reviewed Micromax Canvas Mega E353
Hello everyone right out there. So if u are a desi indian brand lover then here is the phone for you. I am writing this review via this phone only.Display is Read more...
Think Billion times but dont go for a minute
Reviewed Sri Chaitanya Educational Institutions - Hyderabad
Hello everyone thanks to this app. I would like to give the original review from my side .And I can say about this coz I stayed there for almost 2 years. FinaRead more...
Supper se bhi uppar :-)))
Reviewed Allen Career Institute - Kota
Hello everyone who will be reading this, frankly speaking and today I am going to clear all your doubts regarding this institute.Okay so Firstly, Teaching DurRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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anoop578 (@anoop578MouthShut Verified Member)
Arun Talukdar (@aruntalukdarMouthShut Verified Member)
Testpg Test (@TestPGMouthShut Verified Member)
Lokesh Raj (@lokeshadvocate5MouthShut Verified Member)
Sumit Rai (@sumitrai079MouthShut Verified Member)
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