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Member Since:Feb 10, 2016
95 MS Points
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Good Job Done
Reviewed Nobroker
No Broker team helped me out to Get the Rental Renewal with out moving out of My House and Got Delivered to staright away on the mail id with in shorter PerioRead more...
Best Bike with Low cost and Great Mileage
Reviewed Hero Honda CD Dawn
Hello every one today I would like to say about a bike which was launched by Hero Honda(CD-DAWN). The company launched it by keeping it low cost, attractive iRead more...
"Iball ib-wrx-300NP" powerfull connectivity
Reviewed iBall iB-WRX300NP 300 Mbps Extreme High Power Wireless N Router
I am writing this review for the first time for wifi router I hope you would like it its my best experience I am sharing with you all. Before buying I ball 3Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on sourabhweb's review
Commented on sourabhweb's review
vlc is the best in all the players it automatically detects the problems and sloves too most cases by the tolls and software which are inbuilt in vlc. I will give 10 to this software
Commented on sourabhsrb2's review
I can not say its the best cab service. But in terms of best and luxury comfort I can give 100% to uber cab service. From vehicle to the way of maintaining cars and the way how drivers communicates differs a lot so uber is top most best and growing faster
Rated on sourabhsrb2's review
Commented on anshukumar78's review
Docomo service once it was too good of all operators but suddenly it has fallen down now I can say its worth less to buy a DoCoMo sim card. As said by all mostly this company is attracting customers by the way of less internet charges but the net works too slow then even and every time when we call Read More...
Rated on anshukumar78's review
Commented on anu_1108's review
i am too a selector of Philips sound. I know that sound effect comes mostly in bass but any how the pure sound and the way it sounds feels comfort and fully satisfied.
Rated on anu_1108's review
Commented on surendrachandrawa's review
this site totally consists of fake products and on online advertisements we come to see that the product is a real and a genuine one but ones you receives the product u come to know it worth would be too low that we normal buy in china items
Rated on surendrachandrawa's review
Commented on varshishvg's review
I bought this phone in 2012 march from then until now no problem in phone it has fallen many times due to gorilla glass it saved my phone it even fallen in water its a waterproof so again it saved or else if I had purchased a different brand in same price my money would be wasted.
Rated on varshishvg's review
Commented on mitu1997's review
its a good phone but now all the same features comes below RS-15000
Rated on mitu1997's review
Rated on rinkusingh01012001's review
Rated on akleshsahani's review
Commented on akleshsahani's review
ossam movie I liked very much
Rated on rahnawazk's review
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