If a person sells an article he thereby warrants that it is fit for some purpose but he does not warrant that it is fit for any particular purpose state the various qualifications subject to which this proposition should be received
Jan 17, 2023
By: ishuc518
1 Answers
Interesting I also dont know the answer please anyone want to help to find the answer?
By: AanchalTiwari
State briefly the law relating to competence of parties to a contract
Oct 11, 2021
By: saleemnazeera9
Every person is competent to contract who is of the age of majority according to the law to which he is subject,1 and who is of sound mind and is not disqualified from contracting by any law to which he is subject. The competency of parties is one of the essential elements of the valid contract. The capacity of parties to the contract means the legal ability of the parties to enter into a contract.
Difference between agreement and contract?
Oct 18, 2018
By: prethivefaro
2 Answers
The main difference between agreement and contract is that an agreement is not legally binding and enforceable by law, whereas a contract is legally binding and enforceable by law.
Kindly prefer this link for answer https://diffen.com/difference/Agreement_vs_Contract
Dec 03, 2019
By: Frankzee