Was the Das family visiting India as tourists or was there any other purpose for their presence in the country?
Oct 03, 2021
By: jayantimohanty092
1 Answers
Mr. Das also reveals that their parents now live in India and that the Das family visits them every few years. Tina comes back to the car, clutching a doll with shorn hair.
Oct 04, 2021
By: JyotiDass
Compare and contrast how the characters relate individually and as couples and adapt to the community of neighbors they each have
Aug 11, 2021
By: 052snehamishra
Individually means a single human being as distinct from a group. couple consists two people or things of the same sort considered together. A community is a social unit with commonality such as norms, religion, values, customs, or identity. Communities may share a sense of place situated in a given geographical area or in virtual space through communication platforms.
What is the moral responsibility of mrs das?
Jun 28, 2021
By: nirakarbiratnagar
The moral responsibility of Mrs. Das is to stop living the life of a liar. She should tell her husband that Bobby is not his biological child because he has a right to know that he is technically not raising his own child.
how does Mr. Das refuse to take little Tina to the toilet?
Aug 08, 2016
By: kmky2007
0 Answers