Did I miss something? In season 4, why does Elizabeth want to have her baby early?
Feb 11, 2019
By: comarodes
1 Answers
NO, you not miss something. BY necessity of the requirement of the Elizabeth took the action. She want an early birth because she prove to George that her child was his and not Ross Poldarks.
Sep 20, 2019
By: SonalBakshi
Why does George say he own Ross Poldark's mine?
Nov 23, 2017
By: sriggins
Wheal Grace is a mine owned by Ross Poldark. It was opened by his father Joshua, named after his mother Grace and later closed after Grace dies. George Warleggan, had been struggling with his mental health following his wifes death. Elizabeth Warleggen a desperate attempt to hide her past affair with Ross Poldark.
Jun 09, 2020
By: AkkiNirv