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Karma Ayurveda - Pitampura Delhi Specifications
Reliance Fresh
Nagra Toli, Ranchi
1,724 Votes
Spg Mart, Bahu Bazaar Chowk, Near St. Paul Church, Nagra Toli, Ranchi 834001, JH
Reliance Fresh, Nagra Toli, Ranchi
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rose arora
Apr 14, 2007 09:01 AM
Does the slogan applies here too
The slogan given by the ambanis, the dream come true, to make india a better place to stay, giving every man a phone, did really increase the profit of the ambanis which ruled for quite some time, but at the cost of the common mans pocket, where people ended up in paying huge amount of phone bills, and to extreme cases reliance in bangalore even appointed people who were called RECOVERY AGENTS who terrified people to pay up the phone bills, who threatened the guts out of people, so finally the promised dreams of making india a better place was gone in thin air, where are the promos and agendas created by the company, it was not very well organised, any one who had a little to invest took the dealerships and most of them were people who never had the catch of the business, but were to make only profits offered by the master company, so ended up in giving the phones, manufactured by the company on cheaper rates or as offers or as promotional packs, which was a failure in fact, but a huge success to these recovery people again goondas who have no morals in life of course what can you ever expect of them.Now its the supermarkets, trying to do another breakthrough, have the Ambanis started farming also cause the mobile didnt work, again trying to hit the common man of his profit, of course the rates comparitively may be low, but have anyone imagined the poor mans plight who sells on the street to feed his family, common its his lively hood, people drink, smoke, and spend on other lavishness, but will not give 50 p more to a person who comes to your door step and saves your time and energy, common friends, this is India we are not yet compleately ready for expensive shopping malls who tax, in spite of declaring themselves as the cheapest, there is compitations every where, we as people need to fight aganist all these corruptions and appointed goondas who spend their lives on other peoples moneydid you know my dear citizens of India, we are paid peanuts by the so called multinational garment industries who buy clothes manufactured by us and sell them in other countries for a whooping rate when you convert the money, I recently saw a news which was blood boiling, people were paid so less that they had to survive lesser than a price of a T Shirt sold in the western countries, how long are we going to take this, people work for a whole month for a price of a shirt, and we are prous to wear them as branded imported clothes? why are people not aware of all these stuff, if only our leaders can fight over all thes matters instead of fighting for seats power and money, we would make one of the best countries, because we have the talent and recources which is sadly today even after independence is been exploited because of some money hungry peoplewake up people pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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xyz love
Apr 03, 2007 09:17 PM
Reliance Fresh
Rajni.thank you for writting the wonderful review on Reliance Fresh. I haven’t seen one in Delhi yet but surely visited one of their outlets in Gurgaon(Haryana). Surely one of the best concepts which India hasn’t seen in the past and above all, perfect health, hygiene and total money saver. Am equally looking forward to Wallmart entering India as a strong competitor. It is good to have such competition, no matter Indian or International outlet. What matters the most is value for money.I can remember my visits to Mustafa Shopping Centre in Singapore, where you can buy anything and everything for absolutely great prices.and mind you.all genuine stuffs.because duplicacy is against the law in Singapore. The owner, Mr. Mohammad Mustafa shares a tremendous financial credibility worldwide and thus gets things at what he wants. Ambani’s are somewhat following the same strategy now.Cheers!
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Justin Blake
Apr 03, 2007 04:14 PM
After gaining supremacy in **Industry and Telecom** sector, **Reliance** has put its foot in the least expected -**The RETAIL MARKET**! Mr. Mukesh Ambani following the foot steps of his father has decided to revolutionize the retail segment and literally finish off the existing Middlemen who normally play a major role in price factor. **RELIANCE FRESH** has entered into the most dreaded segment of perishable commodity -the **VEGETABLES & FRUITS with a BIG BANG! **Since my childhood, we had our local **Baniya** who used to supply our monthly grocery. His words were vouched for, he would always recommend a new product since very few Stuff would be advertised on T.V. Most of the time, we never received **any Free gifts** on purchase of the selected items as the Baniya would have pocketed it and we really didnt care about it! It was a monthly affair to enquire about each others health, wealth and family and sometimes get the things on **CREDIT **TOO. It was that **HUMANE Touch that remained in our hearts!**Similar was the case, when we used to buy **the sabzis(vegetables) & Phal(fruits) in a sabjimandi****.** The eternal **BHAIYAS** used to shout, addresses us as Saab/Memsaab/Bhabi/Beta/Beti et all to lure us into buying their **TAAZA Bhajis**( the colloquial word in Mumbai). It would always start and end with the debate on price, proper measurement and certainly not accepting the mix of both FRESH AND STALE stuff! The market used to be very much chaotic, dirty with the pile up of rotten mix, commuters all over and the **Buffaloes and Cows** finding their way to food! In spite of all odds, I loved shopping over there which I missed in Bangalore. Here, I was exposed to countless swanky grocery malls having everything under the sun like the 2 major giants-**THe FABMALL AND THE FOOD WORLD** in 80feet road, Koramangala. As usual, they had their weekly bargains, many offers to safeguard their customer loyalty.
But the moment RELIANCE FRESH opened up just few paces away from them, the entire **FLOCK of** **CUSTOMERS** were clustered inside in a relatively smaller place. I couldn’t manage to get in for the whole week, it was a **nauseating site**! Reliance succeeded in doing the same gimmick which it did in promoting its cellfones for Rs 500only years back! Finally, when I did step in a less than 1500sqft shop, it was a rare sight to see. The vegetables and the fruits are **extremely less priced, very fresh(thnx to the massive refrigeration facilities**) and makes u buy immediately. Its a narrow area where more than 30 ppl cant be accommodated at a time. The staff are v courteous & helpful . Once we have picked up fruits/veg, we can weigh it in a nearby weighing scale. Since the prices of tomatoes are Rs 2.50/kg, okra -16 Rs/kg, watermelon 5Rs /kg etc, ppl are rushing from early morning. Apart from this, they also **sell sambhar m**ix( cut vegetables+curry leaf), **Salad mix** which has various options of grated carrot, some corns, yellow and red capsicum, **Pulav mix**(again ensemble of vegetables) etc neatly packed for less than Rs 10. This is indeed handy for the those who are always leading a FAST LIFE!They also sell grocery items like rice, food grains and Health drinks, Cornflakes, Bread, Biscuits, Cheese etc. But these are not damn cheap and the variety is v limited. So far they are not into Detergents and Soaps, which will be added soon. For ensuring the **loyalty of clientèle**, Reliance was distributing free 1/2 kilo sugar & ice-cream for every purchase of Rs 100 for the first few days. They have also introduced a **RELIANCE CARD** which u can get it **FREE.** U get 1 point for every 100Rs of purchase after 25 points they give a cash-voucher which can be used again! They also have a feed back form so that u give ur valuable inputs to them. But they dont have place for parking in this area. After Reliance Fresh’s entry, the **Kirana shops and the hawkers, vendors** are badly hit. As Reliance’s margin of operations are very high, they procure the vegs and fruits directly from the **SOURCE ., ** giving no chance to the** Dalals and their Dalali.** The good old gesture of the Shop-keeper is replaced by **PLASTIC SMILES of suit-boot wallas!**All said and done, being the age of CONSUMERISM, **THE CONSUMERS are KING** and this has also made other food stores to slash their prices immediately. If Reliance Fresh has rewritten the mindset of Indian consumers, Guess what will happen when the **BIG BROTHER WALMART** enters the Indian market next year?
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sandeep kalra
Apr 02, 2007 05:48 PM
Reliance fresh @ Mattikere Bangalore
Well I came to know about Reliance fresh in Mattikere last week so I made a visit to the same.I found a lot of brand variety, good quality products, spl fruits and vegitables that to at a cheaper rate.I will tell you about some rates for comparison sake Tomato -2.75/kg Market-3-4/kg Onion-8/kg Market-8-11/kg orange-20/kg Market-25/kg Masoori Rice-19-23/kg Cheese-22/pack Good friendly Reliance members were there to support.A lot of Brands were available
. Now coming to some short comings: Place is not that big so if 50 people enter it looks like fully conjusted as a fish market.Even feels like shortage of Air inside.As employees are new so billing system is a bit slow but I think it will fasten up for sure.Worst point no free home delvery at all .They are telling that it will start in a short span of time but right now not. Another big concern Some products not available such as Soap, Washing powder, some plastic items
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