Justify the title samskara
Oct 22, 2019
By: kisanbanchhor123
1 Answers
The title Related to a concept central to Hinduism. The subtitle of the this title samskara in english is "A Rite for a Dead Man". This booked translated in English by A.K. Ramanujan. The main character is Naranappa. He was an anti-Brahminical Brahmin who spent all his life in defying Brahmin beliefs and lifestyles.after the Naranappa died. some complicated issues.
Oct 23, 2019
By: BhuvikaSharma
Briefly discuss the presentation of orthodox hindi / brahmin society in samskara
May 30, 2019
By: himanichauhan88
Orthodox Hindu conduct places emphasis primarily on two qualities in a human being, which also distinguish him from the animals and the low life characters. They are education and proper social and religious conduct (samskarah). The solution to the orthodoxy of Brahminism and its resultant casteism thus basically involves giving up all kinds of rituals and practices traditionally associated with Brahminism.
Jul 16, 2019
By: SonalBakshi