What are the major challenge or goal
Mar 18, 2018
By: weedmanancheta
1 Answers
life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change. The challenge is Our Whole of your life is an on-going battle between the good forces and the evil forces.
May 13, 2020
By: Kevinpaul
Whos the most courageous person in the book? and why?
Dec 15, 2017
By: hedgehog67302
Old Berta is the most courageous person in the book. because she had spent every day sitting outside. She is waiting for the devil to come. Regularly she seduces tourists in the hope that one of them will prove to be her escape route.
Jun 02, 2020
By: Fit4U
How is Old Berta courageous
By: Monhassan
The old Berta had spent every day sitting outside. She is waiting for the devil to come. Regularly she seduces tourists in the hope that one of them will prove to be her escape route.
Jun 01, 2020