What to say for this society? Sometime MC( especially two ladies Anuja and Maninder) is so kiddish, you dont even feel like explaining and correcting them. Wifes of these army men feel their authority is more than Indian Law and even PM of India has to salute them. They made you feel that being a tenant is the biggest crime . You will be treated badly because you are a tenant. I read on mouthshut that someone mentioned Maninder to be sweet poison and Anuja to be poisonous snake that is very true. These two ladies have made every tenant life a hell in the society. Anuja, if by chance you meet her, her first question to you will be are you a tenant? have you submit MMC? do you know rules bla bla? She once met me in lift during my shifting and I was shocked to listen such stupid things. MC has very stupid rules coming here and there. They try to extract money in all possible ways from tenants whether its festival, clubhouse, function, amenities be ready to feed them. Maintenance just inculde lift, water and garbage collection. Once they came up with rule to collect 500 Rs for parking sticker, when some of us opposed, we were threatened, got notices to vacant etc and they try to break us in all possible ways. Owners are puppets of them. Maninder fix rent, will see which tenant wil stay where and how many family members are allowed? Funny part is they will charge you GSt even for moving and moveout(2000 rs), when you moveout they charge you electricity bill and later your owner will also deduct and then you struggle to get back from Mc. main agenda collect money( all planned by these two ladies) I have written to PMO to just keep a watch on such societies and there should be strict laws for such societies and authorities should check their balances, expenditures etc. I can really write a book on all illegal activities what they are doing. So better, dont buy or rent a apt there as when you get on rent, these people even take commission from the broker and they make sure broker is involved while they are renting out.When you move out, these army people wont pick your call to refund security( all preplanned) and your one lac deposit is just gone until you dont really fight for. Dont take any flat in D14 as Anuja stays there. So, by any chance if you have planned to take seeing big house with greenery dont take any flat in D14. Recently came to know they came with new rule, if you have party at clubhouse, and you are not ordering food from their restaurant, pay them 15% bill value of food you have ordered from outside. These people need tight tight slap.