I would advise everyone and anyone to avoid this project . The project was not designed for human beings but maybe for piegons because the size and configurations of the room are very similar to a piegon hole .
This can never be a good investment as no one would be interested to buy or rent an apartment where you cant even keep a chair in the balcony and need to keep your utilities such as washing machine outside the utility space( as there is no utility space) right near the main door .
On top of the that the sales team is a bunch of cheats who are there to coax and convince you to buy a unit there and once you decide to cancel it even within 24 hrs, their behavior will completely change and they would start avoiding your calls and would never give any confirmation or assurance to return back your booking amount to you . This has happened to me and I assure you if you love your hard earned money then you should never invest in this hyped property .