I am sharing my experience with you all.
Oyster Homes is a builder and developer in Anna Nagar. The concern was early called Color Homes when we booked the flat and now changed to Oyster Homes.
I had booked a flat from Oyster Homes in the year 2012 and as per the agreement the builder was supposed to hand over the flat to us after a year.
As per the building plan, the flat which we booked was supposed to have a utility for a kitchen and a balcony for the master bedroom.
But as the construction proceeded, we came to know the real truth.
In the month of November 2013, we were shocked to see that both the utility and balcony were blocked. The builder did so because of some fight between him and the backside neighbors. The builder never asked our opinion or permission to close the utility and balcony.
As per the building plan, we have not got the flat as it was agreed in the sale deed and construction agreement.
So we have filed a consumer case on the BUILDER and waiting for justice and compensation.