Siddha group management is rotten to the head level including the chairman Sanjay Jain with his crime associates Siddharth
We should open a whatsapp If you have been ill treated, taken for a ride or harassed by shameless siddha management, then join us on this whatsapp group where we are grouping together to collectively raise and address our concerns through different forums, write to housing board, regulators, ombudsman to collectivley draw media attenntion and close their shops. They have a bunch of sales personnel promising delivery timelines a year ahead of what you get once you put the deposit and installments ( 2 years for me)
I have already blacklisted them in wipro tcs and other IT companies but we should join hands .whatsapp message on UK +44772171xxxx or join deal with these miscreantsas we can issue notice, file complaint with CM west bengal and invite press