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Member Since:Dec 20, 2017
220 MS Points
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Reviewed Sony PlayStation 4 Pro
Hello friends I am going to share my experience on Playstation 4 .This is one of the best play station. I am very thankful to the Sony team those who had madeRead more...
Less food quantity
Reviewed Hotel Grandvilla - Vasai - Thane
Hello and good morning friends today I am going to share my experience on Hotel Grandvilla. This hotel do not provide the room service the hotel do not providRead more...
No free home delivery
Reviewed Naaptol
Hello and good evening friends I am going to share my experience on naaptol. This is the a site which didnt give any free home delivery.The gadgets whicRead more...
Nice wild experience
Reviewed Jhalana Safari Park - Jaipur
Jhalana Safari Park, Jaipur, India - Hours, Address, Nature & Wildlife Area Reviews. Private Wildlife Safari and Off-Roading at Jhalana Safari Park. Jhalana sRead more...
Pride of the Rajasthan: The Amber Fort
Reviewed Amber Fort - Jaipur
Hello my dear friends I would like to share my experience at Amber Fort. The Amber Fort is very nice place to visit in the Rajasthan at Jaipur city. The AmberRead more...
Worst traveller ever
Reviewed Sterling Holidays
Hello good afternoon friends. Once I had planned to go through Sterling holidays with my family. I inquired about the services. they gave me a gift vouchers. Read more...
Worst cab service ever
Reviewed Ola Cabs
Hello friends I would like to share experience on the OLA cab car services. I and you all know that now a days the ola are in reputation and growing up very fRead more...
Good fitness center
Reviewed Ameya Classic Club - Virar - Mumbai
This gym is very excellent and very interested gym in virar. This gym provide very good facilities and I am so happy with the services which they provide.TheyRead more...
Nice service
Reviewed Coffee Day Global Ltd (CCD)
I have visited yesterday at CCD to have some coffee.The ccd has very good service. I asked normal coffee . I ordered for the coffe with milk the coffee was veRead more...
Very worst service
Reviewed Getinstacash
As per my review this site doesnt work properly and my phone is hanging due to this site.this site does not have any special features and instructions aRead more...
Bad networking
Reviewed Airtel Broadband
The Airtel broadband is the bad connection network this broadbands do not provide the network properly for the talking I have to step up from the home to talkRead more...
Worst service
Reviewed Aan Enterprises
I think they should close their company in the world theyre not providing a proper service. I have experience the this pest cntrl company they had promiRead more...
Very bad
Reviewed Byju's
This classes dont give an ample of knowledge that we can understand the concept of the particular subjects it also takes a donation for the private coacRead more...
Excellent college
Reviewed Viva College - Virar - Thane
Hello good morning friends as I am the student of viva clg I am going to share my experience. This college is very nice I like to go to this college I feel veRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Prasanna Dommu (@POBox5843MouthShut Verified Member)
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