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Member Since:May 22, 2007
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All projects are having issues- NO KHATA transfer
Reviewed ABD Group - Bangalore
.all of layouts from this builder are having issue.his first projects start-citys which was started 5 years back still has not got khata transfer.Read more...
ABD Developer
Reviewed Abhyudaya Developers - Bangalore
The worst developer .having connection with political parties and just selling land with false promise and putting all marketing tactics . buyers must check wRead more...
Less mileage 39-40 km PL
Reviewed TVS Apache 150
I am from Bangalore, and not have much money to change bike frequently, I had dream to purchase good bike, after all investigation I found TVS apache is good Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on ptchoudhary123's review
Commented on ptchoudhary123's review
how much you got paid to sell your shole and cheat people. please dont write FAKE +ve comments. i have visited few of their projects and got all information
Rated on dpyenigalla's review
Commented on jaykumarchauhan30's review
dont trust on Bharti AXA Life]s or IIFL's agents
Commented on damodarreddynani's review
Commented on msuresh2309's review
Rated on p162_261's review
Rated on swathihulekal92's review
Commented on gowrishankar8912's review
mainly Khata transfer ..I have heard from employee only
Rated on gowrishankar8912's review
Fake +ve review. all projects are having issues and customers are struggling
Commented on madhugowdagforce's review
why are you writing FAKE +ve comments. .all of layouts from this builder are having issue..his first project's start-city's which was started 5 years back still has not got khata transfer. all customers are struggling with builders to get basic amenities like bore-bell and KHATA transfer.
Rated on meetalisharoy92's review
Commented on meetalisharoy92's review
why are you writing FAKE +ve comments. .all of layouts from this builder are having issue..his first project's start-city's which was started 5 years back still has not got khata transfer.
Commented on praveenam185's review
dont get trapped..all of layouts are having issue..his first project's start-city's which was started 5 years back still has not got khata transfer. This I came to know from this developer's employee only ..which he told by mistake and then tried to cover ..
Commented on cmkcvk's review
get your money back..I am struggling getting back my advance money
Rated on Hiranmai's review
Rated on vikasts's review
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