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Member Since:Nov 01, 2006
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I like flying. Flying makes you realise just how simple life is. Flying
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Education: Elementary
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Gora Complex
Reviewed Tata Safari DiCOR
The world is a safer place for drivers these days as most cars come pre-fitted with air-bags, ABS and traction-control (basically, stuff that makes it safer tRead more...
For those of you who like the new honda city
Reviewed Honda City ZX VTEC
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
then in that case, those Idiot are all in the tata's Worli show room in Poonam chambers. the one that only has vehicals for export. Go and check it out. me and my associates were part of the team that lobbied with the tata ceo about the air-bags. in one of their meets. The airbags like I said are Read More...
if they have introduced a version with the air bags, then its been a very recent development. The last we checked with the guys at tata, we bombarded them with these very same questions, and that’s the reason probably why they have introduced the version with the Airbags. Which is a good sign. Se Read More...
Commented on s_dsilva's review
'Small Back pack'... ? you might want to elaborate on that one. :)
First of all, this is only 10% the governments fault. Second, the problem is not that we aren't getting good imported cars. -- We are! The problem is that our local manufacturers don’t deem it necessary to make the same models that they sell over seas available here in India. You cant expect p Read More...
First of all, no body’s comparing cars here. And even if we were to compare, the Safari is just 2 lakhs less than a ford endeavour.. And 12 lakhs for an SUV is not somthing that a middle class family can afford. I think the point of this comment is that local companies like tata and Mahindra have Read More...
Hondas are Great.. Just that the new Honda City's is an accident waiting to happen.. (and they have had a few). If you doubt my integrity, check it out for your self. Try the Ford Fiesta, or the Old Honda City, or the Accord, or the Skoda RS, or any other car that performs well, and compare its dyn Read More...
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