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Member Since:Jun 09, 2015
40 MS Points
A blogger with an experience of a life time.
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A good family drama
Reviewed Prem Ratan Dhan Payo
One of the really beautifully crafted movies you will come across in recent days. Meand my family had been for this movie yesterday and we all enjoyed a lot wRead more...
A bad experience
Reviewed Costa Coffee - Mahadevapura - Bangalore
Never expected a bad experience from costa coffee but had got one the very first time I had visited this cafe with my husband. When we went in it was shockinRead more...
A posh cafe for posh people
Reviewed Cafe Noir - Phoenix Market City - Mahadevapura - Bangalore
Whenever I visit to phoenix mall with my friends I make sure that we go ahead and visit the cafe noir cafe. This is undoubtedly one of the best cafes inRead more...
A good place in lesser price
Reviewed Raahath - Koramangala - Bangalore
Yester I had visited this place with my husband for having lunh and it was a great time spent there. at start we had thought of goin to a better place but thiRead more...
A good restaurant to get along with family
Reviewed Hotel Empire International - Koramangala - Bangalore
Its been long since I had visited this place but the very first time I visited this place with my family it was a memorable one. When we went it was not thatRead more...
Too bad to be visited
Reviewed Kanti Sweets - Koramangala - Bangalore
Had been to this place and decided never to visit again after. right from the place till the taste of the sweets were bad. Its a very small place from where Read more...
Not worth visiting this place
Reviewed Ganga's Rich Food - Koramangala - Bangalore
Unluckily had visited this place once with a friend of mine and thought of having here. I still curse myself for that decision. We ordered for chicken manchuRead more...
Good for bulk orders
Reviewed Shree Uday Sweets - Koramangala - Bangalore
When I visited this place I realised that compared tomother places where they sell sweets this place is at a higher side. I asked them the prices and asked wRead more...
My personal favourite
Reviewed Peppers Restaurant - Ejipura - Bangalore
Have been to this place so many times and would love to visit this place again and again. at start when I had gone to this place I had a good expectation fromRead more...
Name looks classy but not the place
Reviewed Shanghai Salsa - Indiranagar - Bangalore
Have been to this place once and truely decided never to visit again. When I went their it was mentioned that from evening 7 they have the continental food buRead more...
Quite ok to visit
Reviewed Salon Essence - Koramangala - Bangalore
Have visited this place just once till now and had a very average experience. not so good neither so bad but as per the pricing they take I would tell it was Read more...
Reviewed YLG Salon - Koramangala - Bangalore
Once I had been to this branch on a weekend and a string of bad experiences started following me. at start when I went they told as per the offer running theyRead more...
Love to be refreshed
Reviewed Thai Refresh - Indiranagar - Bangalore
Its been a long simce I have ccisited this place but this weekend have taken an appointment for spa and massage as this is one of my favourite places in bangaRead more...
Rather find a better option than joining here
Reviewed Contours Womens Fitness - Koramangala - Bangalore
Had been to this place in between for just 2 months as it was pretty near by to my place and it would be easy to travel so when I joined here firstly the charRead more...
Better than going to regular gyms
Reviewed Bounce Aerobics - Koramangala - Bangalore
I have been a part of this aerobics classes for last 1 year and trust me its any day better than going to a gym and sweating out. the environment here is realRead more...
Good place to go in sarjapur
Reviewed Eternal Fitness Centre - Sarjapur Road - Bangalore
Had been a part of this gym for 6 months when I used to stay in sarjapur. me and my daughter used to go ahead and visit this place. When we joined we got a cRead more...
Not as per the name suggest
Reviewed Princess - J P Nagar - Bangalore
Had visited this place once when I had been to a friend place and we just went to have something in the evening to eat and we went out then we came across thiRead more...
Love the andhra food here
Reviewed Melting Pot - J P Nagar - Bangalore
This is one place which I have visited lot of times still I dont get enough of it. they have all the varieties but then my favourite would always be the andhrRead more...
Good service provided
Reviewed Sirees Womens Salon - Jayanagar - Bangalore
Have cisited this place twice till now and not even a single time I have come out as disappointed. this is one of the best places to go ahead and visit. CameRead more...
Should never visit such places
Reviewed Sugans Beauty Parlour - HSR Layout - Bangalore
Came to knew about this place through groupon and took one offer where in just 500 they were giving 5 services so thought it was a great deal as the pcitures Read more...
The worst maid agency ever !
Reviewed Hire-Maids
I am a working parents with twin daughters and stay in a joint family with my in-laws. Hence it was difficult to take care of my elderly in-laws who are also Read more...
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