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Member Since:Jul 13, 2013
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Best bike in 110 cc segment...
Reviewed Mahindra Centuro
Now if you are here definitely for some reason...so let me try to meet your level of satisfaction. I choose things very wisely and I dont prefer when peRead more...
First affordable SUV with fresh looks & features
Reviewed Ford Ecosport
This review is about Indian ford vehicles. I am a Ford user and trust me Its requires a good maintenance but its not at all a troublesome car.Please donRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on own review
Djathull@Sorry Man !! I was literally busy these days.....I read your comment and if I am not wrong then you are much concerned about mileage and support which is the most common concern generally we all are facing due to the massive increase in fuel rates.... I have also heared about tvs sport and Read More...
@sutar2002...hey buddy go for Mahindra Centura I was confused too but when I bought this I have realized that I made a wise decision though Bajaj discover 100 cc is not a bad bike but if you are getting a better bike with fully loaded features that too at a affordable and reasonable price then why t Read More...
Rated on goldenvel's review
its the most demanding bike don't believe me check you nearest dealer...
hello freind abhi4513....if you ask me then I will suggest you Mahindra Centuro...truly there are many reason as you can see i have mentioned in my comments and trust me I was confused too becoz I was spending money on something which is new new the market but why to fear when mahindra is giving you Read More...
when I am on road I don't have to look other bikes infact other bike riders stares at my bike......I must ask mahindra to give me some salary ...come on man no matter where I go people just keep asking about it.....'Mahindra rocks'
after a months ride I am not facing any problem ....all the functions are working properly .....still running at max speed of 40 - 45 not more than that...to make my bike a durable and reliable source ......'If you treat her better she will serve you better'
I didn't had to wait for this bike but yes mostly people are demanding black and due its shortage buyers are asked to wait for sometime but dealer in my area is helpful they dont make the buyers wait for long and arranges bikes sooner..
Anurag@ yes bro you can expect above 18 mileage on highways because Its design and size perfect for city and got booster engine for highway...its a nice car considering delhi and ncr road condition i think its a good option suv which gives u a feel of luxury sedan
vinothpsv@ bro its a light bike so dont worry about mileage.at present i m m getting around 65 - 70 as you know its a new bike after first service i ma expexting more becoz of its mci5 technlogy
mrbabu11@thnx for further comment on my review I congratulate for new centuro take black one t looks great than the red one which city u r located i m in gurgaon
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