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Member Since:Jun 09, 2017
40 MS Points
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Salman Khan's Movie
Reviewed Tubelight
Tubeligt will be a intrestig bollywood movie of salman khan and sohail khan best it is the first movie of three khans in 2017 so I request you to kindly go toRead more...
Best Shop
Reviewed Flipkart
Flipkart is on of the famous and cheapest side for shopping in Online shopping and very good products are available in very low price and we can save more monRead more...
Facebook Lite is the best
Reviewed Facebook Lite
Facebook lite is the easiest method to use facebook and it is the cheapest way to use facebook by using facebook lite you can save your more mobile data and uRead more...
Best Speed
Reviewed Airtel 4G LTE
Airtel 4G LTE is the best network in all over india. I use only airtel last two years I think its internet speed is better than all other 4G / Volte because iRead more...
Patna Science College
Reviewed Patna Sciece College - Patna
Every good students of bohar wants to be admitted in Patna Science College for their bright future becuse if any student passed away from good rank college thRead more...
Vivo V5
Reviewed Vivo V5
Vivo V5 is a set for selfie and a soft type camera and a lovely sond it has really a good quality sound. If we use it friendly then it will safe and we can uRead more...
Popular songs
Reviewed Raabta Songs
The songs sing by Arjit singh in Raabta is very sweet it is very very good song by a popular singer so you shold also hear this song by downloading in your moRead more...
Mi Mobile
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi 4 64GB
Xiaomi Redmi 4 64 GB is a good phone it is good for use but camera quality is not good and battery lasting is better than any other phone in the market best tRead more...
Airtel India
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
Airtel is always since it come into the competition market because its service is very well in india and its user is largest in india most of the villagers usRead more...
Useful Headphones
Reviewed Sony MDR-EX150 In-Ear Headphones
Sony headphone is not cheap we all know but it is not a matter it is safety for our health and it has very soft sound to comprison of any other headphones. LRead more...
One of the best phone
Reviewed Nokia 2700 Classic
Nokia 2700 classic was one of the best phone in market it should be again launch in the market as 4G version besause this phone was and is very succesful phonRead more...
Very Good Product
Reviewed Luminous Inverter and UPS
Today I want to describe about luminous inverter and battery.Luminous inverter is one of the most uses in our country because it is very good through our compRead more...
Reviewed Raabta
Raabta is one of the best movie of Sushant singh rajpoot and kriti sanon It is a history type movie of both couple I think it should be watch in cinema twicRead more...
Nice one
Reviewed Patna Medical College - Patna
It is one of the best college in India we can study here properly and get a job in india as a good rank . If dont mind it is really the best college in India.Read more...
Very good product
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J2 - 6 (2016 Edition)
Samsung j2 -6 is the best phone it is the best phone because now I use this phone very softly and no any problem in it from when I purchse it . We should use Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
Really great yaar nice college if you want then you apply
Ya it is really a intresting movie
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