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Member Since:Jan 03, 2016
110 MS Points
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Worse service
Reviewed Yu Yureka
I was using yureka. it was working fine since last month. But last month it sudden switch off. After contacting with yureka customer care I was found out thatRead more...
I am meizu fan.
Reviewed Meizu M2 Note
MeizuM2 not is excilent phone in 10 thousant. I am using this phone in last 4 month and I m very happy in this device.this device is ful hd with 401 ppi and tRead more...
This is winter movie
Reviewed Dilwale (2015)
Its a nice movie which I wached last weak after my duty. The film stars Shah Rukh Khan, kajol, Varn Dhawan, Sharma, and Kiriti Sanon in lead roles whichRead more...
Best care for pasient
Reviewed Satyam Hospital - Delhi
Satyam hospital is best hospital in delhi for me. In this hodpital all staf is professional. For  Emargency in any pasient is very care in all time. In icu tRead more...
Best phone
Reviewed Coolpad Dazen Note 3
Coolpaid dezen not 3 phone is best phone under the 9000 Rs.  It is not a best brand like samsung, nokia, htc etc but this mobile is very good and he is very fRead more...
Jirao mastanBajirao mastani review
Reviewed Bajirao Mastani
Bajirai mastani review . Depika performance make it good one time. Bajirao mastani  explor  the romantice  side of 18th centuary  maratha  gernal Bajiro BallaRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on sumantkumar39's review
Thanks for the detail review bro: :
Rated on sumantkumar39's review
Commented on astusanjay's review
What a ambiance of school ! !
Rated on astusanjay's review
Commented on sumansaha10010's review
This is best site
Commented on chiranthkothari96's review
In this rang the phone is best
Rated on chiranthkothari96's review
Commented on aggrahul2011's review
Not high speed in this drive
Commented on chaudharyankit26's review
Seagate compant is best
Commented on SantoshKumar673's review
Very nice .
Commented on mahammadkhadeer20's review
In this price phine is costly
Phone is best but service center problem
Commented on khokaa's review
Samsunj is high price mobile
Rated on khokaa's review
Commented on sree39's review
Battery backup is mst
Rated on sree39's review
Commented on jvishalkumar7's review
Amitab role is best
Commented on rajyadav807's review
Doctor tritment is best
Rated on rajyadav807's review
Commented on Mdiksha's review
All staf is careful
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