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Member Since:Jan 23, 2016
127 MS Points
Dun judge me coz u dun know what i have been through
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Good phone
Reviewed HTC A810 E ChaCha
HTC A810 E ChaCha  is a groupe msg easily good phone. it is touch and type both. people can typy messages easily. It has a soft pas. With good and long lastiRead more...
Fine phone
Reviewed Nokia Lumia 1020
Lumia 1020 is a good phone for use. because of its good camera one can take good quality pictures anytime and everytime. It has a camera of 41 MP which is coRead more...
Good phone with low price
Reviewed Microsoft Lumia 550
Its is quite good phone. I mean it is much similar to lumia 920 and lumia 923 a bit similar to lumia 930. it has similar features as of lumia 920 but it is inRead more...
Best Phone
Reviewed Nokia Lumia 925
For Lumia 925 I would say it is a complete phone, simply the best, before lumia 925 I used lumia 920 it was also good but lumia 925 is simply the, one of the Read more...
It is cool
Reviewed Asus Zenfone 5
Asus really changed the context of mobile phones by introducing zenfone 5 with a 2gb ram. At that time even 1gb ram was considered as a great thing. I boughRead more...
Reviewed Nycil Cool Herbal Talc
Three weeks ago I bought this product to reduce the reddish heat bumps which are appeared on my skin due to heat by watching an advertisement of the company. Read more...
Good college
Reviewed Bhonsla College of Engineering and Research - Akola
College of Engineering & Technology, Akola is central Indias premier multi disciplinary Engineering institute engaged in education, Applied research, trRead more...
Join this bank
Reviewed State Bank Of India (SBI)
State Bank of India is an Indian multinational, Public Sector banking and financial services company. It is a government-owned corporation with its headquarteRead more...
Favourite gardens
Reviewed Ooty Botanical Gardens - Ooty
The  Botanical Garden is a botanical garden in Udhagamandalam, near Coimbatore(Ooty), Tamil Nadu state, India laid out in 1848.The Gardens, divided into severRead more...
Good phn
Reviewed Apple iPhone 5c
Iphone 5c is a really a awesome phone I just love its look really a great phone I just look the colours available in iphone 5c. I just love its feturs its caRead more...
Classy phon
Reviewed Nokia Lumia 920
There are some good and some bad things about Nokia Lumia 920. Firstly I would like to mention good things. lumia 920 is really a classy phone. it lifts up tRead more...
Makes me Crazy..
Reviewed Rockstar Songs
All the songs in this movie are just awesome, I never listen to the songs while watching any movie but while watching Rockstar, when I heard the first song itRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on sawantvikram373's review
Commented on sawantvikram373's review
it is low cost with good features
Rated on niharrnpatel's review
Rated on JonhCena's review
Rated on mukeshtengli's review
Rated on joshiapoorv980's review
Rated on thakurfazer55's review
Rated on mayurjain1008's review
Rated on cv417's review
Commented on cv417's review
no its is good movie. the story is good, and cast is also
Rated on threshold1's review
Rated on salmanali14343's review
Rated on jagjeetsingh751997's review
Rated on fladraw0901's review
Rated on umangladani141's review
Commented on umangladani141's review
this phone is with so small size. just a brand name nothing else
Commented on diptiksingh19's review
this phone is low budget phone. good for midle class. but they should have a bit larger screen
Rated on diptiksingh19's review
Rated on manket59445's review
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