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Member Since:Aug 07, 2007
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Dofus.................An award winner online game
Reviewed Indiagames
I am a Student of specialization in International marketing from ESC-Lille, and yes I am quite aged for games. But recently I came into contact with an onlinRead more...
The worst experience I have ever had
Reviewed Thrillophilia
I had a very disappointing experience with this travel agency. Although the company has positive reviews and high ratings, I now suspect some of these might bRead more...
Rated on abhilashvinayak's review
Rated on p_s_ch's review
Commented on vishalgovindkhera's review
Hi Vishal......... Thanks for your nice article..As I want to present a car to my father as he is in Politics I was quite confused which car will be better fior him... I was confused among Safari and Scorpio but now you solved my Problem I think for the time being , Safari will be the bett Read More...
Commented on walking_dude's review
If it is your personel opinion then OK, but buddy these all are Smashhits of bhartiya film udyog... I m in France currently wid many french and arebic girls and they all are die hard fan of Shahrukh and his style.....
Commented on pbroorkee's review
Perhaps buddy U didn;t seen Swadesh...... Ya I m agreee that he is crazy for awards but U know he is the ppl who is equally famous in Moracco to maritutss...
Commented on aniruddhc's review
ya it might be cheap 4 u,,, but many of other gane sites are free......with more or less same qualities..
Commented on dextar20's review
Strongly agreed .Zapak is really cool site and they will defenately improve their se4rvices they are going to invest dollar 100 million within 3 years...
Commented on jillu1996's review
hi Dear.... really very nice article...but the revers are Varuna and Assi , among them Varuna is still exist.......
Commented on own review
@Aniruddha Hi buudy ,ya this is not connected to Indiagames it’s a individual and independent game studio (Ankama) and Dofus is the product of Ankama…………………..
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