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Member Since:Jun 14, 2016
100 MS Points
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Reviewed Dhanak
As for the music, Dhanak has one of the best soundtracks of the year. Tapas Relia, who has earlier worked with Kukunoor on Lakshmi, delivers a strong soundtrRead more...
Reviewed Madaari
What happens when a heartbroken man decides to strike back? The trailer of Madaari gives a glimpse into the anguish of a father who is burning inRead more...
Reviewed Phobia
There are a few flaws in Phobia but Apte excels. Except for Manu ( played by Ankur Vikal) , people around Mehek are weak characters, which have not been thougRead more...
Reviewed Now You See Me 2
They soon discover that the man who has maligned them and has them trapped in Macau is Walter Mabry ( Daniel Radcliffe) , a tech prodigy who aims to use them Read more...
Not gopd
Reviewed Housefull 3
Houseful 1, the very first was a masterpiece of laughs, entertainment and serious yet sensible story woven in. This one gets sillier and is a watch once only.Read more...
Reviewed Te3n
This movie has very poor story line. Screen play is loose enough to make you sleepy. After the intermission you feel the boring repetition. Somewhat predictaRead more...
Good movie
Reviewed Udta Punjab
This movie could have been great, cannes and oscar material. But there were certain segments where the director tried hard to make this film more of an enterRead more...
Reviewed Gentlemen (2016)
Known for making off-beat movies, director Indraganti Mohan Krishna has made a thriller with Nani. He begins “Gentleman” with romantic thread, not one but twoRead more...
Canan cams
Reviewed Canon EOS 7D Mark II Kit (EFS18135 mm f3.55.6 IS STM) DSLR Camera
Though mirrorless camera sales continue to grow, the interchangeable lens camera market is still overwhelmingly dominated by traditional DSLRs. And when it cRead more...
Gud bike
Reviewed Honda Shine
Style For simple person its good. Engine Performance, Fuel Economy and Gearbox Good pick up, it should have had 5th gear, I never got fuel economy more than Read more...
Bajaj discover 150 f
Reviewed Bajaj Discover 150 F
Bajaj has launched yet another new Discover. The one in blue is called the Discover 150S. Now, if you think it looks identical to the other Discovers beforeRead more...
Sony hxrmc 2500
Reviewed Sony Professional HxrMc2500 Camcorder Camera
Sony professional hxrmc 2500 hd cam is good budget camera. It comes 6.1 magapixel camera 3 inch lcd is good. Hd recording super quality recording. One year Read more...
Mast time paas
Reviewed ETV Plus
Etv plus is new telugu comedy channel. It brings laufgh in our homes. Nashonaaistm, patas, cinema chupistamama, jabardust remix and some serials are super. ARead more...
Waste movie
Reviewed Sardaar Gabbar Singh
Sardar gabbar sing is not good movie. Pavan action super but his screen play bad. Villan is bad action. Songs are good but action scense are bad. No comedy noRead more...
Bad movie
Reviewed Brahmotsavam
I am mahesh babus big fan but brammotsvam is disappointed me. Stories is good but screen play is so boring. Satyaraj and ravu ramesh action good. MusicRead more...
Nuce movie
Reviewed A Aa
A aa is the biggest hit for nithin reddy his life. Thrivikram sir direction good. In this film stories about family relation ship storie. Thrivikram dialog Read more...
Reviewed Myntra
Mintra.com is the best online store. It useful to midleclass people for lo cost items and discount. Mintra.com very good to shoping in indian online I like thRead more...
Reviewed Symphony Winter i Desert Air Cooler
Symphony coolers are wery good coolers. Its works looklike a small ac. This cooler I used last 2 months. This summer I really enjoyd this cooler. This cooler Read more...
I had use this cam
Reviewed Nikon D80
Nikon indias best selling photo cam brand.d 80 model is best model in dslr. Pictur qualiti is morvaless I used this cam last 5 years I love it.battery life isRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Reviews: 18
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