“Go ahead, take on the world”
These are the words of a big businessman of Indian origin to Indians.
It is obvious that if you look at the country’s background – Several kings ruling the kingdom - having only few people enjoying the wealth, and with fame – everybody is proud just because one is richest person (like a King) in the world or built a world’s biggest monument for his dead wife.
Even today the social structure is not drifted from the centuries old system prevailed during those times. Law and Justice and are only reserved for the people who have money and influence or both in India.
What is the result of the unchanged system?- Gap is increasing between rich and poor. – No ethics what so ever in business, only make money by hook or crook. Use and misuse the public services such as Court and Law enforcement to harass those who question and fight against corruption. I am sure majority of the people agree with this.
In Poona, 42% of the population is from slum areas. I don’t have statistics of other cities.
What do they do and where do they come from? They are human beings just like you and me. Most people have come from villages leaving their acres of lands to earn a living. This earning they can not do from the land because of no proper water supply, no support from the administration for modernizing the agriculture, no regular electricity and unaffordable fertilizers. They are the cheap labor supply for the cities for the jobs such as building construction, sewage work and other odd jobs.
Outsourcing has given ample opportunity for Indian business people to export corruption and break the law of another country. A reputed firm recently was caught exploiting and intimidating (Intimidating is not uncommon)their IT consultants even by breaking the law. What is the result? People sitting in the developed counties are polite and civilized but not fools. They have all the tools and technology to punish these thugs. They will make sure that none can do business because of the some one had breached trust and had bad name. Then the same situation will be faced by India during the spices export, because of the inconsistence in quality. Now India is nowhere in spices export, which was a legacy of the country from several centuries. Textile export business was thriving in India. But where is it now?
Recently an Indian CEO in silicon valley was caught for corruption. I am happy that the result of his “Karma” finally came to him and will face jail. But it is sad, because of what he did, name of other people of the same origin also get spoiled.
Finally the money people earn illegally will haunt in many ways. First of all for their children it is “Paap kKamayee” , instead of “Baap ki Kamayee”. They just don’t have a common sense that they can not take the money once they are dead.
We have been taught from our parents that we should be happy from what ever we earn and not to go behind “paap ki kamayee”.
My advice is first take care of home and its people properly. Then automatically world will embrace you and give opportunities to you because of hard work and honesty. This has happened to Japan. Because of the hard work of Japanese people today, it is the most respected nation and they have established reputable companies worldwide.
Now who will and can change all this? Answer is - Young generation. Only young generation has the ability and courage to change all this. Because of the technology today world has become small, it is easier to judge what is good and bad. There are lot of opportunity for young leaders to lead the people to right direction. They only can inspire people to work together (and not quarrel each other) to bring prosperity.