Let us see...only salaried people are running India!!!
We pay income tax; we take bills for cloths, appliances everything we buy.
For example can you dream of getting a bill electronic market opposite to REDFORT!!!
Government. Gives advertisements in print /media for tax. And turn blind eye right in the capital. Or they are hand – in - hand?
How many politicians, movie stars, celebrities pay income tax?
Where does all the tax money go? Where is the infrastructure?
There are millions working in loss making public sector.
We pay tax for their salaries, with which they enjoy life without doing any work.
REF & further reading: : https://cmsindia.org/cms/events/income.pdf
The focus of the study is on the bribes paid by common citizen to avail service of Income Tax Department. The study does not take into consideration bribes paid by businessmen or corporate to minimize tax liability.
HIGHLIGHTS Value of petty corruption in Income Tax Department in the country is estimated to be Rs 496 crores per annum.
3.14% of total population pays income tax (331.49 lakhs – 2002-03).
5.7% of households in the country had interacted with the Income Tax Department during the last one year. Naturally, this figure is higher in urban (13%) in comparison with rural (3%).
46% of those who had visited the Department during the last one-year did so for at least 4 times during the year.
62% of those who had interacted with the Department perceived it to be corrupt.
40% of those who had interacted with the Department believed that corruption had increased during the last year.
There is a higher perception and experience of corruption in low income States as
com pared to high income States, which goes against the popular belief that higher
income tax provides greater scope/ avenues for corruption.
Indifferent attitude of officials, lack of accountability and staff corruption were cited as major factors for corruption.
Around 47% of those who had claimed to pay bribe, had directly paid bribes to the
Income Tax staff while 28% used CA as intermediary to give bribe to the officials.
REF: https://cmsindia.org/cms/events/income.pdf