I bought an O2 Atom in a while back. Within 2 weeks the unit was broken and wouldnt turn back on. I went all the way to their repair center, and had to wait in line for over 2 hours to get service. And then they told me Id have to come back another day. This is fine. However, when they notified me to go back, it was in the form of a specific date and specific few hours. I told the tech if I can come later since that time period was too restrictive. He wouldnt promise me anything. Im like WTF! If the unit is fixed and is back at the repair center, why such a small window of time to pick up the unit?
Then, after Id moved t, after about 2 months, the unit broke AGAIN. What an awful piece of machinary. So, I called up the O2 support line. For hours on end it was not working, or was busy. Strange isnt it? So finally, after about 20 tries, about a day later, I finally get through. The tech told me it was ok to send the unit in via postal mail.
So, off I went sending the unit to repair center. Now suddenly they refused to accept the package. Their initial claim was that there might be some sort of tariff. I called up DHL and they told me theres no such thing. No tariff was due and nobody said that to the O2 Zone repair center.
Ok so now Im getting worried, so I called up O2 and assured them theres no tariff due, and told DHL to make sure to tell O2 that theres no tariff for accepting the unit.
DHL tries again the next day. Once again its rejected! WTF!
All I know is, Im NEVER EVER buying another crap from O2 again. You go ahead if you want to, but you might hear the echo I told you so later on.