The 10 day MBA actually covers 9 core subjects - Marketing, Accounting, Strategy, Organisational Behaviour, Quantitative Analysis, Finance, Operations, Economics, Ethics.There is one more chapter - MBA mini course which deals with Research & Competitive Intelligence gathering, Public speaking, Negotiation, Business Law etc.
Topics were selected on the basis of what is being taught in top 10 Business Schools at US.
Each topics cover in depth analysis like Marketing covers Business Process, Segmentation, 4Ps, Positioning, Product Life Cycle, Pricing mechanism, Consumer analysis, Distribution Chanel, Advertising etc. Similarly Accounting deals with Accounting rules, Concepts, Financial statements, Ratio Analysis, Cash Flow etc
Finance deals with Business Structure, Capital Budgeting, Capital asset Pricing model, Mergers & Acquisitions.Strategy covers Competitive Strategies, Value Chain, Seven S model, Globalization, Integration & Expansion Strategies etc. Each disciplines covers in depth analysis & hence no topics except Ethics can be covered in one day.Ethics is the shortest topic.
What I like most about the book is simple language& step by step guide.Normally books on MBA uses jargon words. Only thing I feel the author should have used more case studies as it is the best teaching method.
The book is very useful for those who didnt have the opportunity to do MBA.You will get an insight of what is being taught in 2 yrs classroom by most business schools.The book will be a refresher for those who have done MBA.Also it will be helpful as pre reading material for MBA aspiring students.
Since no topics can be covered in one day, the best title of the book should "The 10 Week MBA"