Akosha.com is a fantastic site doing great service by resolving consumer complaints, be it any problem related to purchase of products or engaging services or deficiency in service. They play the role of intermediary and solve consumers’ problems and protect their interests and from being cheated. One can approach them / write to them on any consumer’s grievance or deficiency in service and one can be sure of resolution of the issue in a record time.
I had an issue with 100bestbuy.com and Akosha.com came to my help and resolved the issue within 3 days and saved my Rs.699 paid to 100bestbuy.com which otherwise I would have lost. Akosha came to my help when I was about to give up my efforts and write off the amount. Akosha did resolve the issue on my behalf in the preliminary stage itself and did not ask for any payment, nor did I pay them any amount. They may however need a small retainer if the case/issue is to escalated into a dispute. You can trust Akosha 100% to solve any issue in cyberspace related issues.
K.Ramachandran, Chennai.