I ordered on 100bestbuy.Com a lotto company sports shoes of 9 no size with mrp of 4000 they offered at discounted price, but they had send me non branded fake sports shoes 7 no size of mrp 429! my order no was 3525301.
On contact with customer care now they are asking me to send back duplicate product to their address, but I am sure that they will not send any product back once if I send them duplicate product. So I will loss my money totally. They are big cheaters, cheating every buyers, so can not put trust on them now.
I have talked to them that first you send me original product(lotto original sports shoes of 9 no), and arrange for pick up of their duplicate product.But they are refusing.
100bestbuy is a big cheater company, cheating every online buyers, they will never send you original right product or refund money, never trust on them, 100bestbuy is a big cheat company.