Best way to handle lottery type of cheating is nothing but cheating them itself. Follow the below steps.
When some one call you, receive the call
When they explain about the lottery ask for short listed names
If they hesitate to tell their name then it 100% confirmation that they are going to cheat us.
But still continue with lottery participation but without credit/debit card involvement of our money.
If they say gift or product will reach in few days then say ok to them.
Finally if gift/product delivered to you carefully ask them to open the product before giving money to them.if they hesitate to open the gift/product then just reject it. Please dont accept it.
If every one start to do this then they will learn lesson. So finally its going to be waste of effort from
I am writing all these because they are simply irritating me by calling to my mobile number.even if I say no also they are calling me again and again.