I am sure this company is cheating millions every day. The total fraud amount must be mounting to more than 100 millions.
My story:
I registered with 100bestbuy.Com on 25-aug-2012 to participate in contest: samsung galaxy tab 750.
2 to 3 days after registering, I got a call from 100bestbuy.Com saying that I am selected in top 100 participants and as a token of appreciation, company is giving me sony mp3 player, market value for which is rs. 8500/- Which can be exchanged with any other sony product from any sony center for products worth of rs. 8500 if I dont want mp3 player. The package also will contain an original bill of rs. 8500 from sony. I will have to pay courier charges of rs. 921. I agreed for that.
Today(6-sep-2012), I received a courier through firstflight from 100bestbuy.Com. I paid rs. 921/- And opened the package. It contained a transcend 2gb minisd card for which the mrp is rs. 179/-. It also contained an mp3 player but not of sony. It was from some singh universal. This is useless mp3 player available at footpath market at rs. 100/-. Again, there was no bill in the package.
I am sold sony mp3 player worth rs. 8500/- And have received the product worth rs. 279.
When I called up customer care at 080-67536400, the person asked me to send the product back and I will get a refund in points. That means I have to spend the courier charges again to send it from pune to bangalore and how do I trust again on this fraud company?
I also have noticed at many complain board that they are responding in the similar way to all cheated customers. At first place, why are they sending the road side product, after luring the customer with big names like SONY etc?
This is purely a cheating case and every person connected to this company should be punished under section 420 of ipc act