Hi viewers and reviewers.
I do really wanted to know one thing from all of my viewers and reviewers that is it really a shopping website for purchasing goods. I always wonder about that. because when ever I browse on any other websites on my computer or when ever I play games or downloading any stuff in my tab I always see an add of this Askmebazaar website.
The main thing about this add is, it displays an item on the add and displays the price as 1rs. I always wonder why do people complain about this thing when they are doing fake advertisements. once i m fed up with these advertisements, and opened this website page to know whether it is real or fake.
when I opened it has lots of deals, offers, and discounts. I searched for the product for the product which I have seen in advertisements page. but there is no such product which costs 1rs in that shopping website. But by taking risk, I thought to buy a product from that shopping website. when I choose the product, the reviews of that product are not even up to the level. even though I thought to take risk. but guess what happened, I didnt even receive my order till now. I chose cash on delivery option. but till now I havent received my product. Why do they advertise fake prices. who buys a product for 1rs on online shopping.
guys out there, be aware of these fake advertisements.