I read this book over 5 years ago. Being in the field of consulting, I was looking for a book that would make my presentation interesting. Most of the time when we present solutions we show slide after slide filled with graphs, hoardes of slides with numbers, which makes them, you guessed it- drab!
I saw this title on the shelf and it took me back to my drab presentations. I immediately picked this book up. I glanced through a few pages and found that it was an easy read. It had short manageable chapters each covering a different topic. I liked the way the book was written. I could start from any chapter I felt relevant and end at any chapter.
Reading this book, I feel, has helped me prepare better presentations. Now, my audience, doesnt always buy my argument, but at least stays awake. To make them buy my argument, I think, Ill pick up a book on persuasion.;)