Can any one comment on these sites which are having paid services for providing recommentations on Indian stock trading .. they claim to be 80-85 % sucessfull in their guesses
they charge 2500 for 3 years . can any of the users comment on it . [those who used their service can comment better ... ]
some of the sites like traderji users says they are providing fake info on website about their sucess rates. In the site they dont discribe about the stock advisors and how they arrive at calls etc etc
Are the calls scientific ?
they also have following sites
they are heavly advt. on many trade portals like , google etc.
If there recommentations are realy good its worth paying for their service . NO Doubt about it .
Page load time is too good , but response to customer query is too slow , payment gateway provided by which is not supposed to be a very very good payment provider .. correct me if I am wrong ?? :-)