There are greeting sites out there who charge you for sending e-cards. For example,,,, and etc. I have so many friends online and I wanted to send them unique e-cards with varieties and most of all free. If I ever wanted to send cards I prefer variety and most of all free that is why I choose to go to Because the site have everything I want in an e-card site.
Top Cards:
Birthday Friends
Have A Great Day
For A Friend
Share A Hug
Friendship Thoughts
Lets Catch Up
Woof A Hi!
Floral Wishes
Send A Smile
Good Luck
Its Summer
Say Hi!
Happy Birthday
Missing You
Love Notes
Thank You
I Love You
Keep In Touch
Birthday Cancer
Mad About You
Thinking Of You
Bon Voyage
123 Greetings Categories:
1) Birthday Greetings
2) Love Ecards
3) Friendship Ecards
4) Cute Cards
5) Flower Greetings
6) Religion
7) Wedding
8) Everyday Cards
9) Pets Greeting Card
10) At Work
11) Music
12) Family
13) Sports E-cards
14) Gifts Greeting Card
15) Arts
16) Travel Greeting Card
What I like about this card site is that the cards are animated and have selection of music. Some greeting cards out there are animated but dont have music. This site also let you build your own card site which I find to be neat. An option here is delete a card from being sent at a future date. I recommend this to anyone!