Sometimes I wonder if sending greetings online is such a good idea. Earlier one could get away with getting only a greeting card for a gift.. cause it meant so much more. One actually took the effort to go a card shop, browse through several stacks and then finally select one whose words meant more than words.
With greetings cards available online the procedure is much more simplified.
Well I guess the thought is still there. Otherwise one wouldnt bother to send a card. But there are times when the same card is sent to many and literally.
Like I said it is simpler, easier and free to send greeting cards via the net and hence most of us prefer it that way.
One of the best websites for the same is 123greetings.
Among cards for the regular events and occassions there is a card for almost every day and no occassion. You can send across a card to just say Hi or to say enjoy the weekend or to convey to someone that you love him / her or to inspire and encourage someone. You think of an emotion and there is a card for the same.
The nice thing about 123greetings is that under every category there is a range of cards to be chosen from. Once you send a card - you get an email confirming that the card has been sent and also another email when the card has been viewed by the person.
My favourite section is Stay in Touch - which has generic cards - cards that dont need a reason to be sent. There are even sub-sections in the category.
The site is pretty fast. Has always been accessible - to send or to view a card. The variety is unlimited. And it is free. Do I need say something else?