Ok so what do we have here, a short story by Stephen King being made into a movie, and how is the original story, well if you must ask I am a horror buff, and stephen king is one of my favorite authors, in fact I think some of his stories are better than his long drawn novels, Stephen Kings style is to draw out the horror, the story, the reader doesnt plunge headlong into the horror, he starts living it, King is known to make his readers really imagine the world he is creating, and I have always thought that 1408 has been one of his better stories, the cast is good, and the movie plot true to the original story, the horror is palpable, I saw the movie recently and really enjoyed it,
the horror is built up slowly, with lots of background, the author signing ceremony is a nice touch, King birings out the human elements, the hotel manager - being played with fineese by Samuel L. Jackson, and the protogonist by John Cusack, the rest of the cast has also been good, the jumpers, are trully erie, the a/c duct thingie, was scary too, my g.f had nightmares that ngiht, didnt tell her that I had my own after having read the anthology heh heh,
Good film, nice ending, wont spoil it for you, watch it for yourself, you are sure to enjoy it, plot has a few extra stuff,