Even if you are a fan of horror movies, this one is not something that many of you will enjoy because the writing department does a bad job and thats where problem starts.
The story moves at the speed of a snail and the horror scenes are so predictable.
a popular poet, who lives in huge haweli with his sister Karuna, is now a loner because a few years ago, he was not able to meet the love of his life. Now pen, paper and alcohol keep him occupied.
When Jaidev steps out to get some fresh air near the lake, he finds Smruti (Tia Bajpai) unconscious. He gets her home and helps her gain her lost memory, she somehow does remembers Jaidevs poems.
On and off, they break into a song where she plays the violin and he plays the piano. Karuna is obviously not impressed with all the attention that her brother is giving an unknown person by keeping her inside the house and taking her to the city hospital.
On their way to the city hospital in Shimla, the two stop at a hotel to spend the night and plan continue their journey as soon as dawn breaks. In the night, Smruti is led outside the hotel by a ghost and at one point she gets her memory back but soon she is possessed by a spirit who doesnt let her reveal anything about herself. Since she is possessed she makes scary noises, behaves weirdly and her eyes are blood red.
The horror scenes are typical and not scary.The set up looks good, the work going into the screenplay writing shows on screen.Though the two lead actors try to deliver but the fact that you dont feel anything for them proves that their earnest performances fall short because of bad see-through story.
The soundtrack, the background score and even Bhushan Patels direction, nothing comes together to save this film.1920 Evil Returns is yet another needless horror film. Its cold and bland.